Monday, October 28, 2013

Head Forward Effects


Head Forward & Health Down

     The head-forward posture is something that the majority of my neck pain patients deal with.  With the modern workplace becoming more and more computer dependent, neck pain due to poor posture is on the rise.  Patients need to be educated on proper workplace ergonomics and how to promote proper neck and head posture throughout their work day.  Here is a simple demonstration on how a head forward posture can effect you:  Stand upright and stick your head and neck out forward as far as you can.  Next try to raise your arms above your head while your neck and head are still forward.  It becomes really difficult to use your arms properly in this position.  Now try the same thing with your head in a neutral position and you will see how much easier it is to raise your arms.  Next, while putting yourself in a head-forward posture try to take a deep breath.  It becomes very difficult to breathe properly.  Lung capacity is decreased by 30% in this position.  Now try the same thing with the head and neck in a neutral position.  Some literature has even attributed digestive system dysfunction, sluggishness, and constipation to the head-forward posture.  As you can see, correcting the head forward posture can have profound effects on health.  For more information on office ergonomics check out our website here.

Friday, October 11, 2013

When Do I Need An Adjustment ???

     A lot of patients who's initial complaints have resolved with our care ask me how often they should come back for care in the future.  The answer is that it depends.  I know that sounds like a pretty ambiguous answer, but let me explain.  All of my patients become educated about their specific problem throughout the course of their care.  They learn techniques to help them do their part in the healing process.  Home care techniques, specific stretches, and exercises that will help prevent future episodes.  Unfortunately, life happens between visits.  Mothers pick up their children, carpenters grab a board to quickly, and office workers sit for too long in bad positions.  All of my patients use what I call the "chiropractic rule of thumb".  In general, if a patient does something that causes pain, then they should use all of the home care techniques that they have learned to get their symptoms under control.  If, after three days of consistently using proper home care they are no better, then they need to get in the office ASAP.  Studies have shown that an episode left untreated for a week with no improvement take twice as many visits to resolve.  Some patients with chronic conditions have found it to be beneficial to get treatment on a more regular basis.  I do not recommend once a month for everyone in my practice.  Some patients need more care, some less often.  Each patient's problem is unique.  Over time, patients determine how often they need care based on when their symptoms resurface.  Whatever the case, it is a fact that chiropractic care makes you more healthy overall.  Patients who utilize chiropractic care take less drugs, have less outpatient procedures, spend less money for healthcare, and are more satisfied with their care. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chiropractic and Vertigo

Can Chiropractic Help Vertigo???  

    A quick post concerning BPV:  I occasionally have patients come in that complain of vertigo that is worsened by certain body positions.  This is a condition known as benign positional vertigo, or BPV.  It is an inner ear disorder that is caused by clogging of one of the semicircular canals with otoliths (small crystals in the inner ear) that have been dislodged.  Many of these patients have been the medical route and have been given antivert aka Meclizine.  Because the problem has a physical cause (a clog in the canal) this medication quite often offers little relief.  There is a procedure that I perform called canalith re-positioning that is 86% effective for curing the problem. This procedure addresses the physical problem that is the cause of the symptoms.  An examination by good chiropractor can confirm if the vertigo is BPV related.  The three main causes of vertigo include inner ear problems, neck dysfunction, and TMJ (jaw) disorders.  In the absence of any cranial nerve involvement or other neurological deficit, then a short-term plan of conservative care is indicated.  chiropractors can address all three of these problems, giving the patient the best chance of success.  In my office, I identify the causes through examination and treat whatever seems to be contributing to the problem, whether it is one or more. Should conservative treatment fail, then a MRI should be ordered to rule out any more serious causes such as tumor, infection, etc.  Can chiropractic help vertigo??  The answer is yes (usually).  For more information about chiropractic you can visit our website